From my Inbox, Please read on:
This was a forwarded message. The intention is not to scare anybody, but to urge people to pray that such prophesies will not occur. At the start, I tried to edit this, as I usually do with my forwards, but I couldn't continue. The sheer length of the text and the very bad English would require major editing.
Uncanny Prophesies: What will happen to the world and to the Philippines in 2008?Mr. Juseleeno Nobulega DaRoose is Brazilian, born in 1960, 47 years old now, his occupation is a teacher, he is a normal citizen, having a very poor life with his wife and kids. All the events which Mr. Juselleno predicted had clear indications of the year, month, and day of the disasters, incase any third party wants to confirm the veracity of his prophesy. Mr. Juselleno always puts the story which he predicted to the notarization office or post office for approval.Somebody asked him, how old he started to have prophetic dreams. He answered: 9 years old, from 1969, he dreamed 3 events a day, sometimes 9 events, the times he dreamed is different every day. He said all the prophesy dreams were automatically in his dreams. When Mr. Juseleeno was 19 years old, he met the famous Brazilian prophesy Saint Mr. Franciscoshabiz, after that the worldwide disaster events were increased in his prophesy dream. Mr. Franciscoshabiz was two times the candidate for the Nobel Prize, he is a very famous differential functional person, at the same time he is also the Charitarian. The events which Mr. Juseleeno predicted are already more than 80,000, firstly let's look at big worldwide events and huge disasters from his prophesies.July 18, 2008 - Philippines will have 8.1 earthquake, thousands of people will die.LET US BE ALERT AND MARK THIS DATE JULY 18, 2008, FRIDAY. LET'S BE PREPARED, AND LET US ALL PRAY THAT THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN TO US. IF POSSIBLE: DON'T GO TO WORK ESPECIALLY THOSE WITH OFFICES LOCATED IN HIGH PLACES, BUILDINGS, CONDOS AND MALLS.NOTHING TO LOSE IN THIS KIND OF REMINDER. MAYBE THIS IS GOD'S WAY TO SAVE YOU, YOUR FAMILY , YOUR FRIENDS AND YOUR OFFICEMATES OR LESSEN CASUALTIES.LET'S ALL PRAY AND MARK THIS DATE.FORWARD TO ALL IN YOUR CONTACT LIST TO WARN YOUR RELATIVES, FRIENDS AND YOUR LOVED ONES AND ALL PEOPLE LIVING IN THE PHILIPPINES .IF YOU WANT TO READ MORE…. ◎ Princess Diana assassinated;
Mr. Juseleeno sent a warning letter to Diana via post office on 4th March, 1997 " I got the message from God that someone is planning to kill you in the car accident, your life will be dangerous, 7 angels told me about this. You may die in this car accident and the specialist may close this case as a driving mistake, but they are totally wrong. The murder is close to you…. And it will happen before 2000"
Juseleeno also sent this warning letter to Dailytelegraph and Guardian etc. new agents in England , but were never published. The car accident happened on 31st August,1997, 5 month after the warning letter was sent out. Just as the prophesy said, the case was closed as a driving mistake. The accuracy of this prophesy is not only to predict the huge event but also the truth of the intrigue behind the event. There are a lot of rumors after the accident, Diana was killed by England's royal family centered on Queen Elizabeth.
The prophesy said it will happen before 2000, although there isn't an exact date, but this prophesy was sent to the president (FernandoHenriqueSilvaCardoso) of Brazil 2 years before the accident and mentioned about "from 1997 to 98 that Diana will die" etc.
◎ The second attack on World Trade Center. It was 9/11
Jeseleeno sent the warning letter to the president of USA in 1989, the warning letter was also published at a notarization office which is run by Mr. Klicheeba in the town of Palana . This warning letter also predicted that the World Trade Center will get the first attack in 1993, though there was no exact date, but the second attack was clearly told 11th September 2001. Everyone knew the result, the first attack happened on 26th Feb.1993 three and half year after the warning letter was sent out, the parking place was blown up and many people were injured, the second attack happened on 11th Sept.2001, 13 years after the warning letter was sent out This was 9/11.
The thing is, this prophesy also said that the Afghanistan and Iraq war will start after 9/11. After Iraq lost, the president Haisan will run to Adawr the middle of Iraq etc. are all in the letter, like you all know, the events in the prediction letter happened one by one.
◎ Sumatra Indonesia earthquake
Juseleeno sent the warning letter about Indonesia Sumatra Earthquake to the India Embassy on 16th September, 1996, about 8 years before the disaster. This warning letter predicted that there will be aan 8.9 earthquake in Aceh Indonesia in the morning of 26th December,2004. India and Indonesia will be devastated by the tsunami. He sent the warning letter to the president of Indonesia on 30th April, 1997, the letter said " I dreamed that at 7:00 a.m. on 26th Dec, 2004, South Asia will experience a 8.9 earthquake, at the same time by the tsunam. The areas will be Aceh Indonesia, India, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Maladiv, Bombay. And many people will die.
The result was - the earthquake happened at 7:58 a.m. on 26th Dec. More than 200000 people died. The biggest tsunami was about 30 meters high. A lot people were killed by the tsunami. He also sent the same letter to Indonesia , Philippines, Thailand and other Embassies. He also received a letter of thanks from these countries.
The thank-you letter from Meigawadi said "About the 2004 earthquake and tsunami, to prevent the disaster, we must do a lot of things, but on the other hand, we can do nothing". The thank-you letter from the Indonesian Embassy said "…..we will send this letter to our government, if you have any update information, please let us know".
From the above information, Juseleeno already predicted that there will be more than 200,000 people who will die in the tsunami and earthquake 8 years before the disaster, he sent the warning letter with detailed dates to these countries, but nobody did any preventive measures.
The writer picked up a few events which Juseleeno predicted for the future.
2007 Tornado attacked Brazil , thousands people dead.
2007 or July of 2008 Japan will get earthquake and get 30 meters tsunami.
Japan will get earthquake and typhoon in October, He predicted that the huge typhoon will happen on 26th October in the warning Letter
USA will get the terror attack on 17th December.
2008 Will find the medicine for AIDS and Dengue 18th July, Philippine will get 8.1 earthquake, thousands people will die
The Empire State Building New York will get terror attack in September.
13th of September, China will get 9.1 earthquake in Nanning and Hainan, at the same time will get 30 meters Tsunami, millions people will die, the tsunami may go to Japan Directly.
200925th January. 8.9 earthquake will attacked Japan , Hundred thousands people will die.
November, Japan will get earthquake again. Thousands people will die.
Brazilian government can not pay the insurance because of the finance problems. Will get the riot.
24th August, Istanbul Turkey will get 8.9 earthquake. The road will be parted.
16th December, Sumatra Indonesia will get 7.8 earthquake. Thousands people will die.
2010 The temperature will reach 58 degrees in many countries of Africa , at the same time will lack of water.
15th June, the New York stock market will be
The temperature in Africa will reach 58 degrees, it is unbelievable number, but in May 2007, people who travel around Africa said the temperature in Greece and Turkey are already 39-40 degrees, Iraq and Arabia is about 45-46 degrees, it is possible to happen in the summer but not in may, we can imagine that in the summer of 2010, the world will become warmer and Africa will get the high temperature.
2011 Will found the treatment for Cancer. But another new cancer will occur.
A serious disease will occur, it will be called ALS, People will die after 4 hours get ALS
Bird flu H5N1 will infect to human, 7300000 people will die till 2013.
Mr.Juseleeno's prophesy is not only for the disease and earthquake but also for the exact name. For example the formal US president Gore famous book " An Inconvenient Truth". The name of tornado which will attack Brazil, and thousands people will die, the name of infectious disease ( ALS), the name for San Francisco's earthquake ( the Big One) and etc. events.
The area of globe will be extended regarding the aridity and become desert, from 2015 till 2020, the trees will disappear in Amazon.
From 6th Dec. the sky will start the black cloud time, it is called weather cloudy.
Human start die because of the infectious disease's overspread. 2013
Find the treatment for cancer except the brain cancer.
Bahamas of West Indies, from 1st Nov. till 25th the Volcano will break out and bring the earthquake too, after that will be 150 meters huge tsunami, about 80 meters tsunami will go to Caribbean, About 15 kilometer to 20 kilometer to USA , Brazil and other countries. The sea will go down 6 meters before the tsunami and the birds will move away too.
Mr.Juseleeno predicted that when the cats and dogs know the disaster is coming, they want to get away from the venue, they will have strange behaviors 24 hours before the disaster, so we can use that for the standard of judgment.
The small planet will be closer to the earth and may knock together, the exist of this small planet will influent the issue of human live.
In November, the average temperature will reach 59 degrees, many people will die, the world confusion will be bigger.
In the middle of April, huge typhoon will attach some cities of
China , about one thousand people will die.
The US president Bush will be in the hospital suddenly, has serious sickness.
About the issue of small planet will be closer to the earth, the leaders of each country will gather together to discuss the countermeasure, Mr. Juseleeno already predicted in 2000, and informed the NASA of USA about the exist of the small planet. On
31st June,2002, NASA confirmed and called this small planet 2002ZNT7
May find out the science power solution, ifTechnorati Tags:
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